

​You, Too, Can Fail for the Win!

Posted by Gina Prosch, Teacher and Boys Town Press Author on Mar 5th 2024

Fail? For the win?Who in their right mind would ever want to fail? And how can it be considered a win? Whether we like it or not (and trust me…we don’t like it!), somewhere along the road to adultho … read more

How to Raise a Confident Child

Posted by Julia Cook, Boys Town Press Author and Former School Counselor on Jun 8th 2023

As a mom, I wanted to instill confidence in my three children, but I always feared that if they became overly confident, they would struggle. Confidence is an attribute that will serve a child … read more

4 Tips for Supporting a Child with Depression

Posted by Jennifer Simpson, Boys Town Family Teacher on May 1st 2023

This article was originally shared on affects kids in a variety of ways and can be situational or a constant in their life.There are a few things parents can do to help keep depr … read more

Your Child Disagrees with You… Now What?

Posted by Bryan Smith, Boys Town Press Author and Elementary School Counselor on Jan 20th 2023

If your children are anything like mine, you know that from time to time (and some days it definitely feels like ALL THE TIME), they are going to disagree with you. When that happens, how toleran … read more

Presence or Presents? Five Ways to Be More Present During the Holidays

Posted by Erin Green, MS, Director of Boys Town Press and Co-Author of Teaching Social Skills to Youth, Fourth Edition on Dec 12th 2022

As you reflect on the holiday season, what images, sentiments, or traditions come to mind first? Maybe it’s religious services. Or family meals and tasty sweets. Perhaps it’s traveling near and far … read more