
Downloadable Activities: My Day is Ruined

Four Activities to Teach Students the Importance of Adaptive and Flexible Thinking

Author: Bryan Smith
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Flexible thinking allows people to think about things in new ways or to incorporate new information into a specific plan or idea. Flexible thinkers are often able to come up with more than one solution to a problem or challenge. The ability to think flexibly keeps children open to new experiences and new people.

Learning about overreaction and flexible thinking is an important executive function skill for children. Author and educator Bryan Smith has developed four activities to accompany the My Day is Ruined! storybook. The worksheets are designed to teach children how to practice the steps of flexible thinking and problem solving.

Four Downloadable Activities include:

    • Activity 1 - No Problem, We Can...Students will create another example of what Braden could have done on the day his baseball championship game got canceled.
    • Activity 2 - Flexible Thinking Award - Students will nominate someone to earn a “Flexible Thinking Award” and be able to explain why.
    • Activity 3 - What I Could Have Done...- Students will create a new ending showing flexible thinking in a time they felt their day was ruined. 
    • Activity 4 - Help Save the Day! - Students will use flexible thinking to create a new ending to save the day.

My Day is Ruined! is part of the Executive FUNction series and is recommended for these classroom activities.

An email address must be provided to obtain the activities!

Produced by Boys Town Press